The "Old Man of The Woods" was born out of the find of an interesting piece of driftwood. It layed on my workshop bench for months before whispering to me in a dream what it wanted to be. All of the leaves are hancarved from stock pine as is the face. Then I added the copper details cut from sheet copper and then embossed. The eyes are green marbles which have a lovely eerie glow, as if he is always watching over you.
This is a piece I made a few years ago, I call it "Bad Hair Day". It is a mixed media piece using carved and burned wood, wire, acrylic paint and hair rollers. I was inspired by Pablo Picasso's "Weeping Woman".
I just turned 50, and I am married to the most wonderful man on earth! We live in Central Florida with our 3 four legged children, but look forward to eventually moving to the mountains of_______(fill in the blank)... anywhere with mountains works for me; preferably with 4 distinct seasons, something sorely lacking here in the swamp. In the meantime I am kept busy by my grand kids who never cease to make me smile and who give me endless inspiration for my designs, and my creative endeavors.